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La Sylphide


Fashion Video​


Concept Development




Director- Rotem Rachel Chen

Cinematographer- Rotem Rachel Chen

Dancer- Natacha Calvayrac

Make -Up Artist- Camille Mortier-Chevolleau




La Sylphide, One of the oldest romantic ballets, tells the story about A sylph - a mythological spirit who lives in the forest. A young man, infatuated by her charm, follows her to the forest and tries catch her.
He places a veil around her shoulders and as he does so, he kisses her.
His embrace is fatal and the Sylph’s wings fall to the ground. He realizes that in trying to possess the her, he has lost everything.


Is this the kiss of death we are giving our planet? In our modern world, we often try to own and exploit nature, rather than respectfully admire it. This behaviour is at the source of our ecological crisis.
Inspired by this cautionary tale we danced in the forest, in a custom made garments made out of Japanese delicate white paper.



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